
Audit-related services of AuditComService LLCAs one of the main problem, before all commercial organizations, arises the problem of price determination for their goods and services. In the conditions of the market, pricing is a rather complex process, affected by many factors.

The choice of general direction in the pricing, the main approaches to the definition of prices for new and output products, rendered services with the purpose of increase sales volumes, commodity turnovers, the increase of production and strengthening market positions of the company are provided on the basis of marketing. The prices are in close dependence on other parties of the company activity, achieved commercial results depend on the correct pricing in a great deal.

Cost of audit-related services

Audit-related services within Minsk from 460 Belarusian rubles per one person-day
Audit-related services outside of Minsk from 500 Belarusian rubles per one person-day


Your advantages when ordering high-quality audit-related services

  • experienced specialists and effective business processes (at the market of audit and audit-related services for over 20 years, according to the rating of audit organizations among top-15 organizations);
  • audit and audit-related services according to international standards (an independent member of the international audit network UC&CS America and association UC&CS Global);
  • use of own developed software Audit Documentation (IT Department) for the most effective and professional audit;
  • full insurance coverage (voluntary insurance of civil liability) in the amount of 1,000,000.00 (one million Belarussian rubles);